Compositions > 0rdered by dates
Painting the wind green (2009) Kammerensemble
Ich bekam den Auftrag ein Stück für das ensemble progress und das ensemble multiphon zu schreiben.
Die Instrumentalbesetzungen erschienen mir sehr inhomogen, aber daher auch umso Phantasie erweckender zu sein. Einen gut durchhörbaren Gesamtklang eines solchen Ensembles zu finden, kam mir so vergeblich vor, wie der Versuch den Wind anzumalen. Daher habe ich Strukturen und Klangbilder kleinerer Spielergruppen entwickelt, die dann wie zufällig hingeweht, zusammengefegt miteinander verknüpft wurden. Mit kleinen, durchaus luftigen instrumentalen Präparationen wird sich zum Schluss der Musik auch eine Art von Homogenität im gesamten Ensemble entwickeln
I accepted the job to compose a piece for the ensemble Progress and the ensemble Multiphon.
My impression was that the instrumentation was inhomogeneous but all the more inspiring. To make an ensemble like that sound transparent as a whole seemed to me to be as easy as trying to paint the wind. Hence I developed structures and sound patterns for smaller groups, which then casually link up as if they’ve been blown along, swept together by coincidence. With small and quite airy instrumental preparations, there will be some kind of homogeneity of the whole ensemble when the music ends.
My impression was that the instrumentation was inhomogeneous but all the more inspiring. To make an ensemble like that sound transparent as a whole seemed to me to be as easy as trying to paint the wind. Hence I developed structures and sound patterns for smaller groups, which then casually link up as if they’ve been blown along, swept together by coincidence. With small and quite airy instrumental preparations, there will be some kind of homogeneity of the whole ensemble when the music ends.